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Vaping Facts: What you need to know

What is Vaping?

Vaping is inhaling the vapor created by an electronic cigarette or another vaping device. Electronic cigarettes are battery-power smoking devices. They contain cartridges filled with a liquid that usually contains nicotine, flavorings, and chemicals. Moreover. The fluid heats up and turns into a vapor, which the person inhales. That’s why electronic cigarettes are named “vaping” (smoke).

What are The Health Effects of Vaping?

What are The Health Effects of Vaping_


Since vaping hasn’t been around for long, we still don’t know how it affects the body over time. But health authorities report severe lung damage in people who vape and even some deaths.

Vaping behaviour introduces nicotine into the body. And nicotine is highly addictive and can:

  • slow brain development in children and adolescents, and affect memory, concentration, learning, self-control, attention, and mood
  • increase the risk of suffering other types of addictions in adult life.

Likewise, electronic cigarettes:

  • irritate and damage the lungs
  • can cause severe lung damage and even death
  • can lead to cigarette smoking and other types of tobacco use

Some people use e-cigarettes to vape marijuana, THC oil, and other dangerous chemicals. In addition to irritating the lungs, these drugs can also affect how a person thinks, acts, and feels.

How do Electronic Cigarettes Work?


There are different types of electronic cigarettes. But many people use the Juul brand. This electronic cigarette looks like a USB flash drive and can charge on the USB port of computers. Because it creates less smoke than other e-cigarettes, some teens use it to vape at home and school. Juul brand nicotine concentration is similar to that of regular cigarettes.

Do you Have to Vape Every Day to Get Addicted?

Even if people do not have to vape daily, they can become addicted. How quickly someone becomes addicted varies. Some people get addict even if they don’t vape every day.

And what about electronic cigarettes that do not have nicotine?

However, Most electronic cigarettes contain nicotine. Even those that do not include other chemicals. And these chemicals can irritate and damage the lungs. The long-term effects of e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine are unknown.

Why Should Vapers Kick the Habit?

Why Should Vapers Kick the Habit_


However, People who vape need to be motivate to kick the habit. An important reason to stop vaping is to want to be the best and healthiest version of yourself. Here are some more reasons:

Unknown health effects: Many of the long-term consequences of vaping are not yet know. Recent studies report severe lung damage, and even death, in people who vape.

Addiction: Addiction in a growing brain can set up neural pathways for different addictions to other substances in the future.

Brain risks: Nicotine affects brain development in children and adolescents. This can make it more difficult for them to learn and concentrate. Some of these permanent brain changes can affect mood and impulse control later in life.

Use of other tobacco-related products: Studies show that vaping makes a person more likely to try other tobacco-related products, such as regular cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco.

Toxins (poisons): Vapor from e-cigarettes not made from water. Vapour contains harmful chemicals and excellent particles that are inhale into the lungs and exhale into the environment.

Sport: to give the best of oneself in sport. Vaping can lead to lung inflammation (irritation).

Money: vaping is expensive. The price of cartridges accumulates over time. Instead of spending it on vaping, a person could spend all that money on other things he needs or enjoys.

Go against tobacco company advertising: Many e-cigarettes made by the same companies that sell regular cigarettes. Their advertising aims at young people, who appreciate new flavours, showing young and healthy-looking people. They are trying to turn today’s kids and teens into new customers for life.

How can You Kick the Vaping Habit?


Moreover, For those children and adolescents who want to give up this habit, it can help:

  • Decide why they want to give up this habit and write it down or put it on their phone. When they want to vape, they can read those reasons.
  • Pick a day to quit vaping. They can mark it on the calendar and tell a supportive family member or friend that they will stop vaping that day.
  • Get rid of all vaping products.
  • Download tools (such as apps and texting programs) to their phones to help them when they feel the urge to vape and encourage them as they try to quit vaping.
  • Understand what abstinence entails. Nicotine addiction causes an intense urge to consume nicotine.

It can also lead to the following:

  • Headaches
  • tired, moody, angry, or depressed
  • concentration problems
  • sleeping difficulties
  • hunger
  • concern

Withdrawal signs are most vital during the first few days after quitting. And they get better over the days and weeks that follow.

How Can Parents Help?

To help your child understand the risks of vaping and take control of their health, you can:

Support your child when trying to quit vaping.

Therefore. Be a good example by taking care of your health. If you smoke or vape, commit to quitting.

Importantly. Talk to your child about reports of severe lung damage, and even deaths, in people who vape. Call your child’s specialist right away if your child vapes.

  • cough, be short of breath or have chest pain
  • have nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea
  • are tire, have a fever, or lost weight.


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