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Weight Management Write for Us

Weight Management Write for Us

The body has many mechanisms to secure and maintain a healthy weight. Weight management is directly linked to the balance of our energy balance, that is to say, the ratio between our intake and our daily expenditure. And also, The certain behaviors or external factors destabilize our energy balance when they become chronic. And also, A Nutrition intake will therefore be more significant than expenditure: a favorable situation for weight gain. Identifying these factors will allow you to understand where your extra pounds come from and to act on your health to feel better.

What is Weight Management?

What is Weight Management?

As the name suggests, weight management is all about maintaining weight. And also, A weight management routine is followed when you have reached your target weight and want to keep it. And also, However, you can consider doing it during the holiday, even if you haven’t got your ideal weight.

Why is Weight Management Better than Losing Weight this Holiday Season?

To lose weight, you must follow a strict diet, count calories, exercise, sleep properly, cut out unhealthy foods, etc. All of these things can be extremely difficult during the holiday season. And also, If your box is to lose weight, you may feel defeated due to the excess cheat days or meals you indulge in. Many people lose weight by following a strict diet. And also, If but weight management is a quick way to ensure that you follow a healthy lifestyle without overworking yourself.

How do Management your Weight?

Here are some ways you cannot gain weight but maintain your current weight during the festivities.

Eat a Filling and Healthy Breakfast

Sugar and fried food cravings occur when you keep yourself from feeling full and satiated. And also, If you eat a healthy and filling breakfast, you throughout the day.

Keep Calorie Count

Don’t obsess over your calorie intake. It can be exhausting and make eating a tiring task. Instead, draw ballpark numbers of the foods. And also, if you eat most often to get a rough idea of ​​how many calories you’re consuming.

Eat More Protein

Protein, made up of amino acids, helps the brain produce hormones that reduce sugar cravings.

The Place of Micronutrition in Weight Management

Did you know plants are good partners in weight management in parallel with a healthy lifestyle? Among them, the nopal (a cactus) is effective in capturing dietary fats, reducing the absorption of sugars. And also, thus reducing the calories assimilated. Other plants like guarana also help with weight management. Finally, if your weight gain is localized in the abdomen, and also be aware that natural ingredients such as Sonitrol act in a targeted manner on the abdominal fat mass.

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Why Write for Us – Weight Management Write for Us

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Healthy eating

Physical activity

Ideal body weight

Chronic diseases


Cardiovascular disease

Behaviours modification


Energy Balance




Insulin resistance


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