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How to Get Rid of A Heat Headache

How to Get Rid of a Heat Headache

The arrival of summer is long for many people due to the high temperatures, the vacations, and the desire to make plans with friends and family. But it brings a factor to consider: the heat. The increase in temperatures causes a sensation of heat. In some cases, affects health, causing different types of discomfort such as Heat Headaches.

Headaches are often moderate. But it’s essential to avoid them or at least know how to relieve them, even more so when they are cause by heat since it is difficult to disappear quickly during the summer. To discover how to get rid of heat headaches and why this discomfort occurs due to increased temperatures. We recommend you continue reading this article.

Why do I Get a Headache When it’s Hot?

Why do I Get a Headache When it's Hot?

Heat is one of the causes of headaches, but its effect is much more significant because it interacts with other factors related to the time of year. Such as vacations, summer, and travel. All this promotes a series of powerful triggers in the Heat Headache, such as the following:

Changes in diet: celebrations and parties are more frequent in the summer. As a result, alcohol consumption increases, and the risk of dehydration increases.

Exercise without a visor: practicing moderate or intense sports without protection from the sun’s rays, such as visors, hats, or sunglasses, can produce a contraction of the frontal muscles (from frowning) and the cranial muscles. These contractions can cause headaches and trigger Heat Headache aches such as migraine attacks.

Vasodilation: many of the headaches you suffer in summer are due to this mechanism since the blood vessels increase in diameter due to different factors such as heat.

Other summer factors: increased or reduced sleep hours (typical triggers), relaxation on vacation after accumulated work stress. Or irregular compliance with migraine preventive treatment are also aspects that promote headaches when it is hot.

Avoid Sudden Changes in Temperature

Avoid Sudden Changes in Temperature

Although the urgency to enter air-conditioned premises due to the heat sensation usually prevails, you should avoid sudden temperature changes. Going from intense heat to cold that air conditioners give off or vice versa can cause the appearance of headaches and dizziness.

Refresh the House

Lowering the blinds and leaving home in semi-darkness is highly recommend during the hours of plentiful sunshine. Instead, use fans or air conditioners to cool down, especially to sleep on the hottest nights. This way, you will ensure that the heat does not excessively affect your rest.

Protect Yourself Against Sun Exposure

Protect Yourself Against Sun Exposure

Using hats, caps and loose clothing in light colors (dark tones concentrate more heat) protects oneself from the sun. When you go outside, try to avoid the hottest hours. Walk through shady areas for as long as possible.

For the eyes. Wear sunglasses that protect you from the impact of the sun’s rays to avoid an increase in intraocular pressure that triggers symptoms such as headaches. Headaches are standard on the beach, so avoid overexposing yourself to the sun by using an umbrella. Getting your neck and forehead wet also effectively lowers your body temperature.

Rest Properly

The usual schedules tend to change during the summer, especially during the vacation weeks. The routine disappears, you stay up more and spend a lot of time sightseeing, in the pool or on the beach.

Try to maintain the schedule for the rest of the year and sleep as many hours as necessary. Also, whenever you consider it appropriate. Take the opportunity to take a short nap (about 15 minutes) on the sofa or in an armchair. It is also advisable to practice some sport or physical activity, as it helps to rest better.

Hydrate Enough

Hydrate Enough

Good hydration is an essential factor in avoiding heat headaches. Drink about 2.5 liters of water daily in small amounts and many times. Remember that this is one of the leading causes of heat headaches in children, so that you can avoid it by constantly hydrating.

Eat Properly

To avoid dehydration and beat the heat, consuming fresh foods such as fruits, salads and gazpacho is an excellent way to do it. In this other article, we teach you how to make a good gazpacho.

Regarding the headache. It is essential to remove from the diet foods that contain nitrates, such as sausages and cold cuts, and those that have tyramine in their composition (chocolate, some nuts, or cheese.

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