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10 Tips To Start A Healthy Morning Routine

A Healthy Morning Routine –

A healthy morning routine is the first step to opening your day off right is adjusting your sleep schedule to ensure you have plenty of time in the morning for yourself and your responsibilities. For example, if your children get up at 6:30 am, they get up before them. Or, even if you don’t have kids or pets to care for, if you’re usually up at 7 am only to be out the door by 7:30, it’s time to start your days earlier.

That said, sleep is essential. So when setting your alarm to wake up earlier, you also need to place your bedtime to go to bed earlier. Sleep deprivation is not healthy, so try to get at least seven hours of sleep.

1. Breathe In The New Day Routine

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Unfortunately, for many people, the answer is “reach for my phone.” If that’s you, how many minutes each morning do you spend scrolling and potentially letting stress build up because of what you find on the news, social media, or checking messages?

What if you made a rule that, before reaching for your phone, you take six long, deep breaths to focus your attention on the power and blessing of your life force?

Because the diaphragm acts as a respiratory and core postural muscle, diaphragmatic breathing helps you positively focus your mind and prepares your body to support movement and good posture.

2. Drink Water Before Coffee

2. Drink Water Before Coffee

Because we miss water through breathing and sweating while we sleep, we often wake up thirsty. Considering that the adult human body is finished up to 60% water, hydration is essential for good fitness.

Drinking water primary in the morning will not help rehydrate you, but it can also jump-start your metabolism, boosting it by up to 30%, according to research.

3. Move your Body in All Directions

There’s a reason we instinctively stretch when we first wake up. Our bodies yearn to move after being inactive. So why not, through that instinct, be as creative as possible?

Instead of just doing a short stretch in the bed and then going about your day, favoring your dominant side, adjust your body and prepare it for daily activity by taking it through all planes of motion, evenly using both sides of your body.

4. Take Time to Exercise

Maybe you can’t do an entire workout in the morning. It’s okay. You can sneak in exercise by adding it to some of your existing morning habits. For example, for years, I’ve been doing push-ups before getting in the shower and squatting while brushing my teeth.

It’s called habit stacking, a concept that James Clear references in his book “Atomic Habits.” By incorporating a new exercise habit into an already ingrained morning habit, it’s easier to maintain.

5. Get Your Mind Right

Give yourself a clean slate to start your day with just a few minutes of mindfulness meditation.

Many apps offer free shown thoughts under 15 minutes. Or you can set a clock on your phone to any length and sit quietly, concentrating on the sensations of your breath or silently repeating a positive confirmation, mantra, or intention you want to set for your day.

6. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Research shows that practicing appreciation can decrease pain, improve empathy, and reduce aggression. This is a countless way to start your day, especially if you have a morning commute in traffic. You can train gratitude in the morning by waking up each day to see the sunrise, writing things you’re grateful for in a journal, or incorporating a gratitude approach into your meditation.

7. Make your Bed

7. Make your Bed

By making your bed each morning, you demonstrate that you take personal responsibility for your tasks and are committed to keeping your personal space comfortable and tidy. He sets a precedent that reinforces the foundation for his ability to move forward.

For more on this, check out Admiral William H. McRaven’s book “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life. And Maybe the World.

8. Repeat Your Routine

This is the hardest part. Establishing a routine is not easy. It is understandable if you start strong but then falter. If you sleep one morning or forget some new habits, don’t be too hard on yourself… but don’t give up. Start fresh the following day and try some of the suggestions below to help you stay on track.

9. Set Yourself Up for Success

To relax, stick to your healthy morning self-care routine, take steps the night before to reduce your load, and make the things you need to do more comfortable. For example, prepare your clothes for the following day. If you have children, take them out too (or have them do it). Another option is to prepare breakfast ahead of time. I make a big pot of oatmeal that I can heat in the morning. If you bring lunch to work or need to pack lunch for the kids, do that ahead of time.

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