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Why does Stretching Feel Good?
Why does Stretching Feel Good – If stretching feels good because it activates your nervous system spending and increases blood flow to your muscles. It is thought that stretching may also release endorphins that help reduce pain and enhance your mood. However, it is experiencing pain in your lower back, neck, and shoulders, and you can easily bend over to tie your shoelace, so there’s not much point in stretching. We have collected the best workouts for different purposes on one page! Choose an option for your fitness level, master the correct movement technique from photos and videos, and prepare to make sports a part of your life.
Tips for Why does Stretching Feel Good
If stiffness in the back becomes a familiar feeling, and you must bend your legs a lot to lift something from the floor, it makes sense to add a few exercises. Stretching will help:
Relieve tension from back muscles: If you spend a lot of time sitting, don’t use ergonomic furniture, and don’t maintain proper posture, your muscles will get tired and clogged. Stretching will help relax them and relieve pain at the end of the day.
Develop and maintain flexibility: Rigid muscles can limit the range of motion of the trunk, pelvis, and hips, making it problematic for a person to reach a dropped object or get up off the floor without using their hands. On the other hand, stretching makes muscles more elastic, removes restrictions, and makes it easier to perform household tasks and sports exercises.
Please prevent damage to spinal structures: Back flexion exercises can relieve pressure on the back of the intervertebral discs and prevent their fluid portion, the nucleus pulposus, from shifting. In the long term, this may protect against disc protrusion and herniation.
Stretching is often included in a back pain rehabilitation program, and the method gives good results.
For example: in an experiment involving women aged 45–65, four weeks of stretching exercise significantly improved the range of flexion and postponement of the spine in the lumbar region and reduced back pain by 58%.
Who Shouldn’t Do Back Stretching?
Do not perform it with back injuries and acute pain. In case of damage to muscles, ligaments, or joints, stretching can only make things worse. Therefore, go to an orthopedic surgeon and find out if you can practice. And also, find out what exercises to perform with your problems.
What are the Health Benefits of Stretching and Feel Good?
A stretching session is benefits for the body and the mind. Let’s discover these advantages:
Ease the Pain
Poor posture for several hours can quickly cause back and neck pain; before consulting, you must reduce the symptoms by stretching to release muscle tension by generating endorphins.
Develop your Flexibility
With age, and often due to lack of physical activity, joints and muscles stiffen; stretching allows joints, muscles, and tendons to become more flexible. It promotes joint lubrication and amplitude and lengthens and relaxes the muscles. Thus, stretching helps prevent chronic joint pain.
Improve your Posture
The muscles in the lower back, the neck, and the chest, if properly stretched, help keep the spine straight and thus avoid aches and pains. In addition, the postural benefits are significant.
Why does Stretching Feel Good to Reduce your Stress?
Stretching is a moment of relaxation; it promotes a return to calm and helps to release stress, reduce anxiety and revitalize the nervous system.
Improve the Quality of your Sleep
It relaxes your muscles before bed, releases the tension accumulated during the day, and puts the skeleton back in the correct position. Although the body tends to settle throughout the day, it is advisable to unzip the spine and stretch the back muscles.
Improve your Blood Circulation
Why does Stretching feel good to reduce the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases. Indeed, extension generates more significant dilation of blood vessels, better blood circulation, and a reduction in high blood pressure.
Stretching has many other benefits. This helps fight fatigue; in fact, it gently boosts the body. Exercises requiring coordination and attention increase breathing capacity and concentration. And, of course, a few stretches just before a sport to warm up limit the risk of injuries such as tendonitis or strains
Benefits of Stretching Feel Good
The contraction and relaxation of muscles define the benefits of stretching. This practice also called stretching, has many advantages. “Stretching is used to gain muscle amplitude, prevent certain muscle injuries, reduce muscle stiffness, and indirectly can improve physical performance, ” says Jonathan Di Noto, Coach Hunter 1 sports coach.
The little extra? “From a psychological point of view, stretching can help to relax “. This is one of the reasons why we recommend stretching in the office. “In the long term, you will feel more relaxed, and your muscles will be less stiff. And also, The more physical activity you do, the additional you will need to pay attention to your muscles so as not to have any problems in the future,” guarantees the specialist. In other words, stretching is essential.
Why does Stretching Feel Good Exercise on your Back?
Here are some excellent exercises used in stretching and yoga that provide good results in the fight against back pain.
Pull knees to Chest
This is the most straightforward pose and is often recommended for low back pain to relieve symptoms. Lie on your back, pull both knees to your chest, and wrap your arms around them. Keep the back of your neck, and lower back pressed into the floor. If you feel uncomfortable in this position, try spreading your legs slightly apart and placing your hands on your knees.
child Pose
In yoga, this pose is used for relaxation and relaxation, so you can do it at the finish of the working day to relieve muscle tension. First, sit on your knees, connect your big toes, and slightly spread your hips to the sides. Then, lean forward, so your stomach fits between your legs, stretch your arms forward, rest your forehead on the mat and relax.
Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs, and put your hands under your shoulders. Lift your chest off the floor, point it forward, tighten your legs, and push your crown to the ceiling. Do not pull your shoulders up to your ears; keep them lowered and straightened. Keep your head up, and look ahead. And also, If discomfort is in the lower back, move your palms slightly forward.
Standing Leg Bend
Stand up straight, and put your feet together. Straighten the spine from the tailbone to the neck, and then with an exhalation, gently lean forward, keeping a straight back. Bend your knees to relieve tension in the back of your thighs. And also, Place your fingers or palms on the floor on the sides of your feet. You can also cross your arms above your head, placing your palms on your shoulders next to your elbows.
Elongated Side Corner
Place your feet twice as wide as your shoulders, turn your right foot 90° to the right, and the left foot about 30-45°.
With an exhalation, bend the right leg at the knee at a right angle, and leave the left straight. Next, tilt your body to the right and place your right elbow on your thigh. Check that the shoulders are in the same planet and that the spine remains straight.
Stretch your left arm above your head to continue the line of the outstretched leg and body. Direct your gaze to the hand. Feel the side stretch. Breathe deeply and evenly.
A Set of Exercises for Stretching Feel Good
You can alternately stretch each muscle group or try more complex exercises involving several body parts at once. For example, stretching, which is called a pretzel. It helps to work out the calf and gluteal muscles and the spine and hip flexors.
Lie on your left side with your hand under your head. Bend your right knee, tuck your thigh into your chest as far as possible, and then let it fall to the floor. And also, Then bend your left knee and clutch your left foot (use a band if you can’t reach it) with your right hand. Make sure to keep your leg and torso in a straight line as you gently transport your top shoulder blade to the floor. To reinforce the twist, turn your skull to look over your shoulder.
Why does Stretching Feel Good to Need Regular Stretching?
Regular stretching will allow you to:
1) increase the elasticity of the joints;
2) increase the stretching of muscles and tendons;
3) develop different muscle layers and muscle fiber membranes;
4) increase muscle relaxation by being aware of your body structure and muscle tone (tense, relaxed, partially tense muscles, etc.).
All these benefits can improve your athletic performance and reduce your risk of injury if you stretch correctly and regularly.
How to Stretching Feel Good Correctly?
Hold in one position for 45-60 seconds without sudden jerks for effective stretching. Then return to the starting position for 15 seconds, then repeat the stretching exercise.
You can complete three repetitions of each exercise.
3 Important Tips:
1) pain does not mean that you stretch the muscle better or more robust; on the contrary. And also, It can lead to muscle stiffness, which is not at all according to your goals, so do not tolerate pain;
2) during stretching, there should be no sudden movements: sudden movements can cause a reflex neuromuscular reaction, which also does not contribute to muscle stretching;
3) more often is better than longer: It’s better to schedule 2 stretching sessions two times a week, on top of your main workouts, than stretching for 40 minutes before your main workout if you want to improve muscle elasticity for a long time.
Full Body Stretching Sequences
Stretch your Joints
Where to start training? Of course, from the warm-up. And also, It is vital to “wake up” all joints: neck, shoulders, elbows, lower back, hips, wrists, knees, and ankles. This is how you minimize trauma.
Warm up your Muscles
You need to train before stretching because the muscles warm up and become more flexible. And also, If you can also put on extra sportswear before pulling to keep your body warm longer. You will warm up well if you jump or do a light warm-up.
Basic Stretch
Stretch all muscles. Basic stretching exercises prepare your body for more difficult ones, such as splits. And also, basic stretching reduces pain.
Basic stretching (for twine)
Increase the maximum amplitude, and try to sit on the twine. Yes, you can safely go to the first lesson.
Why does Stretching Feel Good it help you Lose Weight
Many girls go for stretching in the hope of losing weight! Yes, in theory. And also, If active stretching is accompanied by pain or pulling in combination with strength exercises, the body gives an intense hormonal response to the load. Cells will release chemicals and neurotransmitters that affect the activity of “fat depots”. And also, it’s not worth placing high hopes on stretching, especially if it takes place in a quiet mode and not very often.
Why Stretching Feel Good – Include strength or aerobic exercise in your program and adjust your diet. And the fact that stretching improves blood circulation and saturates the tissues of the body and the brain with oxygen. And also, contributing to an overall improvement in mood and clarity of thought is a fact!
Why does Stretching Feel Good – Many fitness fans regularly attend intense workouts and often neglect stretching. So we decided to find out why stretching is needed and what are the main mistakes made when doing it. These and other questions were answered by Miya Sidorova, Master of Sports in Athletics and Champion of Ukraine in Pole Vault.
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